Trenbolone Enanthate Oil Steroids Injectable

  • Manufactured by: Hygehgh Biopharm Co., Ltd.
  • Country of origin: China
  • Manufactured since: 2009 – Present
  • Package :10ml
  • Purity:
  • Price: $50–$100
  • Minimum Order:1 vials
  • Storage:room temperature 15° to 30° C (59° to 86° F)
  • Delivery: 5-15 days
  • Source:

Trenbolone Enanthate is an extremely powerful anabolic steroid and is virtually interchangeable with Parabolan (Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate). All Trenbolone compounds carry the same, identical Trenbolone hormone. The only difference in the compounds is the ester attached, which helps to control the hormone’s releasing activity. There will not be much difference in Trenbolone Enanthate and Parabolan in this regard.

Trenbolone Enanthate is a strictly underground product, and not available for human use by any major pharmaceutical supply house in the world. It combines a very popular parent hormone (trenbolone) with a long acting ester (enanthate). This allows the advantage of once a week injections.

The Trenbolone hormone is commonly classified as a veterinarian grade anabolic steroid. Trenbolone Acetate, although the most popular Tren compound among performance athletes is also essential to the livestock market. However, Trenbolone Enanthate does not fall into this category, not technically. Trenbolone Enanthate is strictly an underground black market anabolic steroid. For a fairly long time, the only version of legitimate Trenbolone available on the black market was Trenbolone Acetate. This was a fast acting version of Trenbolone often made from powder or cattle implant pellets. Since Parabolan (Trenbolone with a slightly longer ester) had been removed from the market, it developed a cult-like reputation, and a longer acting Trenbolone product was in demand on the black market. The underground labs of the time responded with Trenbolone Enanthate.

What can be said of all Trenbolone forms can be said of Trenbolone Enanthate on a functional basis. The traits of the Tren hormone are the same with all Tren compounds. However, unlike the Acetate version the individual should be able to inject the Enanthate version far less often, but still on a schedule similar to Parabolan. Unfortunately, the only Trenbolone Enanthate you will ever find will also only be on the underground black market through underground lab labels. Some of the larger suppliers carry it, most all carry the Acetate version but Enanthate based Tren can at times be a little harder to find.

Trenbolone Enanthate benefit & effect

Trenbolone enanthate affects the body in many ways, so let us break it down into bite size chunks for Effortless digestion:

  1. Encourages Nitrogen Retention

Nitrogen saved inside the muscle tissue keeps anabolism going and catabolism at arm’s duration. The more you can store the extra, and this is one end result of trenbolone enanthate — it lures nitrogen to remain positioned on the muscle.

Bottom line.
It usually means you can kiss goodbye to significant bouts of DOMS and say hello to a cut in recovery times.

  1. Boosts Protein Synthesis

Protein synthesis is your body’s speedometer for building proteins and also a significant ally in the war in muscle building. The higher your synthesis” rate”, the quicker your muscles will increase.

Do you wish to hear the fantastic news?

Trenbolone enanthate strikes the gas pedal and compels protein synthesis in warp speed. Not only does this promote muscle growth, but it also shields which is critical for cutting back and post workout.

  1. Doesn’t Aromatize

Though this is one effect trenbolone enanthate doesn’t display it’s still worth a mention. There are not any untoward impacts that signify zero build a lot of water in the body and actual gains.

  1. Improves Endurance

Red blood cells are the transporters for oxygen around the body. The higher the mobile count the more oxygen you will have pumping around the body.

One thing is apparent.

All of us have a higher demand for oxygen during our workouts. The fantastic news is tren lumps up production of the”good guys” that provides you that extra boost to keep on in it.

  1. Increases Power and Strength

One of the most important consequences trenbolone enanthate is entitled to think of is your capability to make you more powerful and provide you that all significant power — quickly!

Well in actuality, research tells us tren enanthate can show significant increases in bench press power and sprint interval power within as little as 3 weeks.

So what exactly does this mean?

Here’s a Summary of the favorable effects anyone in bodybuilding may reap the benefits of Trenbolone enanthate:

  • Greater endurance
  • Increased endurance
  • Power gains
  • Hard and lean muscle increases
  • Reduced healing times
  • Enhanced fat burning
  • Promotes cutting
  • Reduction in body fat percentages
  • Muscle growth
  • Great for recumbent cycles
  • No water retention

Trenbolone Enanthate side effect

Trenbolone Enanthate is not what we’d call the most side effect friendly anabolic steroid of all time. There are many possible side effects of Trenbolone Enanthate use, but possible is the key word. The side effects of Trenbolone Enanthate with one exception are not guaranteed. Many of the possible side effects are very similar to many other anabolic steroids and most should find they are very easy to control. However, there are certain response side effects of Trenbolone Enanthate that will keep many from being able to use this hormone. There will be more who cannot use the Trenbolone hormone perhaps more so than any anabolic steroid. However, the majority of men should still tolerate the hormone well despite a stronger number not being able to use it compared to most steroids. In order to help you understand the possible side effects of Trenbolone Enanthate, we have broken them down into their separate categories along with all the information you’ll need.

[1] Estrogenic:

Trenbolone Enanthate is not estrogenic in that it does not aromatize. There is no testosterone to estrogen conversion with this hormone making water retention impossible due to use. However, the hormone does carry a strong progestin nature, which can make gynecomastia a concern, especially in sensitive individuals. When combined with the use of an aromatizing steroid, this appears to increase the risk. Progesterone has the ability to stimulate the estrogenic mechanism in the mammary tissue, which in turn can promote gynecomastia. In order to combat this issue, some men will need an anti-estrogen.

When it comes to Tren produced gynecomastia, there has been a prevailing myth that has been passed around message boards for years. The myth simply states that it’s the possible prolactin buildup caused by Trenbolone that leads to gynecomastia, but this simply isn’t true. William Llewellyn has largely dispelled this myth showing the intrinsic relationship between estrogen and progesterone imbalances and their effects on the mammary tissue. In his Anabolics series, you will find he goes into great detail explaining this issue.

[2] Androgenic:

Trenbolone Enanthate is highly androgenic, which can lead to acne, accelerated hair loss in those predisposed to male pattern baldness and body hair growth. The androgenic side effects of Trenbolone are, however, highly dependent on genetic predispositions. If you are not predisposed to male pattern baldness, losing any hair will be impossible. If you are not normally acne sensitive, the odds of any related problem during use is unlikely.

Those who are sensitive to the androgenic side effects of Trenbolone Enanthate will often attempt to combat them with a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. This is very common and is also a waste of time. Such inhibitors, Finasteride being primary, are commonly used to reduce the androgenicity of a steroid that is brought on by a reduction of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This is all caused by the hormone being metabolized by the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, but Trenbolone is not metabolized by this enzyme. As a result, the use of any related inhibitor will have very little to no affect on the hormone’s androgenicity.

[3] Cardiovascular:

The possible cardiovascular side effects of Trenbolone Enanthate are by far the most concerning. In the present moment of use many are often far more concerned with gynecomastia, but this is merely a visual issue. Cardiovascular issues can directly and negatively affect your health. The primary area of concern will surround cholesterol. Tren can increased LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) levels and suppress/reduce HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) levels. This cholesterol strain should not be as strong as many oral steroids, but potentially more severe than most injectable steroids.

In order to control your cholesterol, living a healthy lifestyle is imperative. A healthy lifestyle should include a cholesterol friendly diet that is low in saturated fats and simple sugars and abundant in omega fatty acids. Supplementing daily with large amounts of fish oils is normally advised. The individual should also ensure he implements plenty of cardiovascular activity on a regular basis and this includes off-season periods of growth. Do not buy into the idea that cardio is damaging to your off-season gains. You do not have to implement contest style cardio programs during your off-season but a regular amount for your health is recommended. This will, however, actually help you with off-season growth. It will keep your metabolism even stronger, minimize off-season fat gain and lead to a better physique. If you already have high cholesterol or cannot maintain a healthy cholesterol level during use you should not use this anabolic steroid.

Trenbolone Enanthate can also have a negative impact on blood pressure. The odds are in most men’s favor, especially since water retention, a primary promoter of high blood pressure is impossible with this steroid. However, high blood pressure is possible and you should keep an eye on it. Most healthy adult men will be fine if they live a healthy lifestyle.

[4] Testosterone:

All anabolic steroids will suppress natural testosterone production; however, the rate of suppression varies greatly from one steroid to the next. In the case of Trenbolone Enanthate, suppression will be dramatic and will not be affected by genetics. Due to the powerful rate of suppression all men who supplement with Trenbolone are strongly encouraged to include exogenous testosterone into their plan. Those who do not include exogenous testosterone will fall into a low testosterone state. Low testosterone comes with numerous possible symptoms. Sexually related symptoms are the most common, such as erectile dysfunction and suppressed libido, but they are far from the only ones. It is actually possible to suffer from low testosterone without sexually related symptoms and while the symptoms are not directly life threatening the condition is extremely unhealthy. The form of testosterone you choose is inconsequential. All that matters is you provide your body with this essential hormone.

Once the use of all anabolic steroids comes to an end natural testosterone production will begin again on its own. However, you will be at a low testosterone level for quite sometime. This can begin to produce low testosterone symptoms, which can include a loss of muscle mass and strength. It is very easy for cortisol to become dominant during this phase. For this reason, most men are encouraged to implement a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan if they are going to be off-cycle for any decent length of time.

A PCT plan will stimulate natural testosterone production and greatly reduce the total recovery time. There is, however, no PCT plan on earth that will get you back to normal on its own, this will still take time. However, such a plan will ensure you have enough testosterone for proper bodily function while your levels continue to naturally rise.

Important notes on natural testosterone recovery; natural recovery assumes no prior low testosterone condition existed. It also assumes there was no severe damage done to the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis (HPTA) due to the improper use of anabolic steroids.

[5] Hepatotoxicity:

Trenbolone Enanthate is not what we’d traditionally consider a hepatotoxic anabolic steroid. However, there does appear to be a level of toxicity associated with extremely high doses, but such doses are extremely high and far beyond what even most hardcore bodybuilders would attempt. The average Trenbolone user should not experience any hepatic stress or damage.

[6] Response:

There are four possible side effects of Trenbolone Enanthate that are 100% based on individual response and the subject of numerous myths surrounding the hormone. The effects have become such a topic of debate on many message boards that some believe if you don’t experience them your Tren must be no good. Not only is this ridiculous but it’s a borderline insane way of thinking. Successful use of any anabolic steroid not only refers to progress made but progress made without side effects or issues of concern. However, it will be the response based side effects of Trenbolone Enanthate that will keep some men from being able to use this hormone. In some cases, lowering the dose can fix the problem, but many who suffer will find that such effects occur even at low doses. The response effects include anxiety, insomnia, night sweats and rapid heart rate. They can also be so strong that they become unbearable. If a low dose of Tren causes such effects in you the hormone is probably not for you. If such effects occur, the best course of action is to discontinue use and try again later on at a lower dose. If problems still occur, this hormone is in no way for you. That may seem unfair but it’s life. Everyone has varying reactions to various hormones, medicines and even foods.

Because of the possible response side effects of Trenbolone, Trenbolone Enanthate is not recommended for first time users. Your first go with the hormone should always be Trenbolone Acetate, which most will prefer anyway. However, if you choose the Enanthate version your first time, run into problems and discontinue use you will still have to wait every bit of three weeks or more for the effects to dissipate. If you choose the Acetate version and run into problems, you can discontinue use and see them fade in a few days.

How to use the Trenbolone Enanthate ?

Dosage And Anministration of Trenbolone Enanthate:Tested ways of using

Tren Enanthate dosages are going to be similar to Trenbolone Acetate, although to match the effects of the Acetate form, you will need a little more Enanthate. If you’ve never used Trenbolone before then you don’t want to start with the Enanthate version. Base Enanthate does typically fall in the range of 200-400mg per week. Users say that in order to see any benefits of the steroid you have to inject a minimum of 200mg per week. Very few individuals will need to go beyond the 400mg per week dose but there are those individuals who dose at higher amounts. For example, advanced users of this steroid will use anywhere from 500-800mg per week. Some will not recommend this dosage as it is quite high but remember what works for one will not always work for another. Advanced dosages such as the one we just listed come with a greater risk of side effects. Some are able to handle them, while other will tell you it’s way too much to deal with. As far as the administration of Tren Enanthate, regardless of the dosage chosen, the steroid should be injected twice a week, on Monday and then again on Thursday. If you choose to run this steroid at an over the top amount (like 800mg) then you should split the injections into three per week.

Women are no exception to the above information. Although we always advise women to use lower dosages than men, it is up to the individual female to assess her own tolerance level and decide what to take and how much.

Bulking and cutting with Trenbolone Enanthate :Dosages and Workouts

Trenbolone Enanthate is a favourite of bodybuilders and athletes in other sports due to the fact it has both cutting and bulking properties. Let’s get into the benefits of its use for both cycles. When bodybuilders and athletes run off-season bulking cycles the use of Tren Enanthate will help promote lean muscle tissue growth. The bonus is that it will happen in a short amount of time. Those who use this steroid for bulking like the effects because the weight that is gained is clean mass, rather than water retention which can be felt with the use of other anabolics during a bulking phase. Of course, we must remind you that no steroid, not even Tren Enanthate will do any good to your body during a bulking cycle if you aren’t eating enough to help those muscles grow.

For cutting cycles, there is not a single steroid out there that can be as beneficial as Trenbolone. The Enanthate version when used for cutting will accelerate the fat burning process and even help people get over that hump or plateau, that is often felt after dieting and/or working out for longer periods of time. When cutting, the body will start to naturally rely on muscle for fuel. But with the use of Tren Enanthate during your cutting cycle, you will preserve lean muscle rather than burn it for fuel. Towards the end of your cycle you may begin to feel fatigued but Tren Enanthate will help cut the fat off at the end of the cycle and get you to the end easier with added endurance.

Trenbolone Enanthate is the longer ester version of Trenbolone that has a slow absorption rate and a half-life of ten to twelve days. This means there is a reduced peaking time and a longer period of time to be eliminated from your system. Because of this, Trenbolone Enanthate may cause fewer side effects and require less frequent injections. For example, if you plan on taking 500mg per week, you can split the dosages in half and inject twice per week at 250mg per injection. With the acetate version, users typically need to inject every other day (EOD).

Beginner and Intermediate users typically inject between 200-400mg per week. Those with more steroid experience may increase the dose and inject between 500-800mg per week. Keep in mind that higher doses of Trenbolone Enanthate will increase your chances for the onset of negative side effects which at times can be very harsh.

Storage Of The Trenbolone Enanthate

Store at controlled room temperature 15° to 30° C (59° to 86° F)


The average duration of a standard cycle on a Trenbolone Enanthate base can last for 6 to 8 weeks. The injection cycle is divided into several parts. If we take into account that a week will require up to 250-300 mg, then the athlete needs 1-2 ampoules of the steroid, which is injected intramuscularly. An exception is steroids of this group, where the concentration of the solution does not exceed 75-100 mg. In such cases, the number of injections may increase. For beginners, the best cycle length is 4-6 weeks with minimal dosages. Please keep in mind that when we say “for beginners” we mean beginners for the use of Trenbolone, not for the use of steroids. Trenbolone is a steroid that should not be used by a first-time user of steroids. They should at least have a few cycles under their belt before jumping to such a powerful steroid. Professional athletes often use the cycle for 3 months. However, experts recommend the use of additional auxiliary drugs that block the occurrence of side effects. Among the most effective can be Clomid, Tamoxifen or Gonadotropin.

Why choice the for bodybuilding ?

From looking at the functional traits of Trenbolone Enanthate, it’s not too hard to see how valuable this hormone can be. Further, you should already have a good idea of the effects that can be enjoyed. However, we want to look at the effects of Trenbolone Enanthate in a more realistic way. Specifically, we want to explain what you can expect due to supplementation. We cannot pinpoint every last effect to the full possible degree. This will vary from one man to the next and can be dependent on numerous factors, but the following will give you a very good idea of what can be obtained.

The Trenbolone hormone is well known for being the greatest anabolic steroid for cutting purposes, and that’s a hard point to argue against. However, compounds like Trenbolone Enanthate are also tremendously beneficial during periods of off-season growth. This anabolic steroid has the ability to promote true lean tissue growth at a rate far above and beyond most anabolic steroids. More importantly, it will do so in a cleaner way than most steroids. Many steroids associated with off-season bulking often promote large amounts of water retention, but this is impossible with Tren. Each and every pound of weight gained due to the use of this hormone will be pure lean muscle mass. Of equal importance, the individual will find he gains less body fat during his off-season phase due to this steroid’s tremendous metabolic enhancement and fat burning properties.

When considering off-season use of Trenbolone Enanthate, there is something we must keep in mind. Use will help the individual control his body fat, but this does not mean body fat is impossible to gain. You must consume a level of calories above maintenance to truly grow. Thankfully, with Tren you will make better use of each calorie and the metabolic factors will also provide fat gain protection. However, there will still be a cutoff point. The use of Tren in the off-season is not a license to eat like there’s no end in site. You can still gain plenty of body fat if you don’t exercise self-control.

Then we have the cutting phase, and we can say with confidence there is no anabolic steroid on earth more valuable to this phase than Trenbolone. Trenbolone Enanthate, as should be obvious will help you burn fat at a more powerful and far more efficient rate. That alone is a benefit but it is far from the primary one. There is no anabolic steroid that will preserve lean mass like Tren and that is one of the two key goals during a diet. In order to lose body fat, we must burn more calories than we consume. This can put our lean tissue at risk and the body will begin to feed on it in order to meet its energy demands. It will often feed on it before body fat as part of its survival instinct, especially once our body fat levels become low. If we’re losing weight, but also losing muscle tissue this is not successful dieting. The goal is to lose body fat while maintaining as much muscle tissue as we can. Trenbolone Enanthate will provide this protection and ensure we burn only body fat and not our hard earned muscle tissue. The hormone will also promote strong conditioning effects. Hardness, increased vascularity and overall greater definition are all common with Tren. In fact, you can take any two steroids on earth and combine them and not receive the conditioning effects provided at the rate of power of Tren.

All who supplement with Trenbolone Enanthate will find their muscular endurance is greatly enhanced. Bulking or cutting this will occur, as will a dramatic improvement in recovery. This all leads to greater progress and a more efficient body in a physical functioning capacity. However, some have reported issues of decreased cardiovascular endurance when using Tren, and this will keep some athletes from using it. However, it is not a guaranteed effect by any means. Many will be able to use the hormone without any negative effect on cardiovascular endurance. It appears to be very individually based. All who use Trenbolone Enanthate, especially in the off-season should also find their strength greatly increases. Even at maintenance calorie levels strength increases should be significant. During a calorie deficit, especially when the individual becomes very lean, an increase in strength should not be expected. However, the use of Tren should ensure you maintain far more strength than you would otherwise.

The Trenbolone Enanthate Mixed reviews Summary

Trenbolone Enanthate is one of the greatest anabolic steroids of all time. In fact, there are only two anabolic steroids we would place above it, Trenbolone Acetate and Parabolan. Trenbolone Acetate is the king of Tren hormones. It is easier to maintain peaked and stable blood levels with this version, is more affordable and high in supply. Parabolan, while very similar to the Enanthate version is carried by several very reputable UGL’s around the world and often carries a name similar to Parabolan or Tren Hex. The Enanthate version, while a great steroid is also manufactured by some of the worst labs on earth making a poor purchase a greater risk.

It does not matter if you’re bulking or cutting, Trenbolone Enanthate is perfect for either phase. The ester does not affect when you need to use a particular version of a steroid; that’s merely another myth perpetuated by many message boards. If you do find a quality supplier you know you can trust and you’d like to give this steroid a try, while we cannot encourage illegal use of the hormone, such as for those living in the United States, if you are under the safety of the law you will not be disappointed in this steroid.

Trenbolone Enanthate review

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  • Purity
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  • Cost Effectiveness


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